Cole Coker

About Cole Coker

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So far Cole Coker has created 10 blog entries.

100 year anniversary & Fish fry

We could use some assistance in setup and prep for this years fish fry and 100 year anniversary on May 3rd, 2025. If you are interested in helping please contact bro. Brett Schuler @ 865-518-9822.

2025-03-24T19:44:25-04:00March 24th, 2025|

E Board Vacancy

Good evening brothers and sisters, the E board would like to post an opening to be filled on the current sitting E board. If you are interested in filling this position please contact the Union Hall, and be at the Union hall @ 5pm prior to the Regular meeting on Monday February 24th, 2025 @ 5 pm or notify the Local Union hall in writing. Qualifications of officers can be found in Article 26 of the IBEW Constitution.

Thank You,

Cole “Buck” Coker

2025-02-17T18:36:00-05:00February 17th, 2025|

Happy New Year !!!

Happy New Year, from your staff at Local 760!!! Prosperity, health, and safety in 2025. Happy New Year brothers and sisters!

2025-01-01T17:12:46-05:00January 1st, 2025|

Dispatch: Monday 11-25-2024

Good afternoon, We have one open call for Service One Inc, Service One needs 2 Journeyman Wiremen for work in Sevierville TN. You will be working with rigid conduit and need to be able to perform all aspects of electrical work as well. You will report to the main office after call out for  drug testing and processing, once cleared you will start training so you will need to be dressed appropriately for work.

Have a great weekend!!!

2024-11-22T16:58:09-05:00November 22nd, 2024|

760 Toys for Tots Drive

It’s toy drive time again brothers and sisters. If you have the means and are able you could make Christmas happen for some less fortunate families. Drop off at the Union Hall, New Toys only as T for T doesn’t accept used items. Thanks to all in advance, and stay safe.

2024-11-21T09:28:19-05:00November 21st, 2024|
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