Raymond Ingram

About Raymond Ingram

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So far Raymond Ingram has created 104 blog entries.

Job Post: 11-4-2024

(1): We have one Open call for Adman Electric, we need (2) JW`s for work at Loudon County Water Treatment Facility, you must be fit for duty, have no physical limitations. you must pass a drug test and have a valid drivers license. JW wages for the entirety of this project is $34.00 / hour.

(2): We also have one Open call for BESCO, we need (5) JW`s for a “Shop” call. You must be able to pass a Drug test.


Have a great weekend !

2024-11-01T15:43:00-04:00November 1st, 2024|

Job Post : 10-31-2024

(1): We have one Open call for Adman Electric, we need (2) JW`s for work at Loudon County Water Treatment Facility, you must be fit for duty, have no physical limitations. you must pass a drug test and have a valid drivers license. JW wages for the entirety of this project is $34.00 / hour.

(2nd) We have one Open call for Miller Electric, we need (1) JW`s for a “Shop Call” to report for hire-in and processing on 11-4-2024. You must pass a drug screen, have a valid drivers license, voided check or bank routing #infromation for direct deposit.

Have a good evening !

2024-10-30T16:26:06-04:00October 30th, 2024|

Job Post : 10-30-2024

( 1st ): We have one Open Call for Tennessee Associated, we need (1) JW`s for SI Group in Newport Tn. , the schedule will be working 7/12 hr days. Must be able to preform all aspects of electrical work and be able to pass a drug test. You will report after call out. Must have tools and boots and be prepared to work after hiring in.

(2rd): We also have one Open call for Adman Electric, we need (4) JW`s for work at Loudon County Water Treatment Facility, you must be fit for duty, have no physical limitations. you must pass a drug test and have a valid drivers license. JW wages for the entirety of this project is $34.00 / hour.

(3rd) We have one call for Miller Electric, we need (2) JW`s for a “Shop Call” to report for hire-in and processing on 11-4-2024. You must pass a drug screen, have a valid drivers license, voided check or bank routing #infromation for direct deposit.

2024-10-29T16:51:48-04:00October 29th, 2024|

Job Post : 10-29-2024

( 1st ): We have one Open Call for Tennessee Associated, we need (1) JW`s for SI Group in Newport Tn. , the schedule will be working 7/12 hr days. Must be able to preform all aspects of electrical work and be able to pass a drug test. You will report after call out. Must have tools and boots and be prepared to work after hiring in.

(2nd): We have one call for Tennessee Associated, we need (2) JW`s for a “Shop” Call. You will need to have OSHA 10 and a valid Driver License, you must also be able to pass a drug test and you will report immediately after call out for hire-in and processing.

(3rd): We have one call for Adman Electric, we need (5) JW`s for work at Loudon County Water Treatment Facility, you must be fit for duty, have no physical limitations. you must pass a drug test and have a valid drivers license. JW wages for the entirety of this project is $34.00 / hour.

2024-10-29T08:45:43-04:00October 28th, 2024|

Job Post : 10-28-2024

( 1st ): We have one Open Call for Tennessee Associated, we need (1) JW`s for SI Group in Newport Tn. , the schedule will be working 7/12 hr days. Must be able to preform all aspects of electrical work and be able to pass a drug test. You will report after call out. Must have tools and boots and be prepared to work after hiring in.


Have a great weekend !


2024-10-25T16:12:06-04:00October 25th, 2024|

Job Post : 10-25-2024

( 1st ): We have one Open Call for Tennessee Associated, we need (1) JW`s for SI Group in Newport Tn. , the schedule will be working 7/12 hr days. Must be able to preform all aspects of electrical work and be able to pass a drug test. You will report after call out. Must have tools and boots and be prepared to work after hiring in.


Have a good evening !

2024-10-29T11:52:31-04:00October 24th, 2024|
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