The nominations for all officers of Local Union 760 will be held on May 22nd,2023. Nominations will start at 6:00 p.m. at the hall located at 1530 Bill Williams Avenue, Knoxville TN 37917. Anyone wanting to be nominated must either be present during the nominations or provide a written and signed statement that they will accept the nomination. No member may be a candidate for more than one office. Anyone that is nominated for more than one office must choose the office that they would prefer to be a candidate for.

To be nominated a member must have a minimum of 2 years of continuous good standing in Local Union 760. Good standing means that the member is current in their payment of dues and has been for the 2 years preceding the nominations and must remain in good standing throughout the election cycle.

Election Tellers will be nominated and elected at the close of nominations. None of these may be a candidate for any office.